Tea (for references only)

Items Calories(Kcal) Notes
Wolfberry Tea 18   
Chrysanthemum Tea 29   
Roselle Tea 66  
Honey Tea 65   
Black/ Green Tea 122   
Assam Tea 170   
Jasmine Green Tea 140   
Yogurt with Green Tea 207  
Green Tea with Passion Fruit Juice 203   
Green Tea with Grapefruit Juice 173   
Milk Tea 210   
Yakult with Green Tea 192   
Fresh Milk Tea 256   
Jasmine Milk Tea 246   
Bubble Milk Tea 365   
Fresh Milk Green Tea 206   
Darjeeling Fresh Milk Tea 195   
Honey Lemon Tea 213   
Honey Pomelo Tea 207   
Plum Green Tea 220   

Coffee/Coco (for references only)

Items Calories(Kcal) Notes
Americano 0    
Espresso 45   
Hot Coffee 421  
Iced Coffee 502   
Hot Cappucino 270   
Hot Vienna Coffee 289   
Iced Vienna Coffee 435   
Tiramisu/Latte 292   
Iced Latte 379   
Coffee topping with Ice-cream 422   
Iced Chocolate Mocha 469   
Italian Iced Cocoa 205   
Italian Hot Cocoa 172   
Italian Mocha Chocolate 402   

Others (for references only)

Items Calories(Kcal) Notes
Matcha Milk 138   
Chocolate Milk 208   
Coca-cola 81   
Sprite 92   
Matcha Ice-cream 96   
Vanilla Ice-cream 100   
Soybean Milk 209   
Coca-cola 255   
Orange Juice 250   
Yogurt with Apple Juice 204