蓋飯(Rice Bowl)(本表僅供參考,實際以現場供應為主)

品名 熱量(Kcal) 備註
雞排蓋飯 Chicken Chop Rice Bowl 830   
東玻肉蓋飯 Braised Pork Belly Rice Bowl 891   
豬排蓋飯 Pork Chop Rice Bowl 773   
日式豬排蓋飯 Japanese Pork Chop Rice Bowl 795   


品名 熱量(Kcal) 備註
豬肉丼飯 Pork Donburi 558   
雞丼飯 Chicken Donburi 773   
牛丼飯 Beef Donburi 691   


品名 熱量(Kcal) 備註
豬柳燴飯 Pork Fillet Risotto 490   
羊肉燴飯 Lamb Risotto 766  
韓式泡菜燴飯 Kimchi Risotto 496  
咖哩雞燴飯 Curried Chicken Risotto 644  
沙茶豬肉燴飯 Barbecue sauce Pork Risotto 653   

咖哩飯(Curry and Rice)(本表僅供參考,實際以現場供應為主)

品名 熱量(Kcal) 備註
蕃茄蘆筍咖哩飯 Curry and Rice with Tomato and Asparagus 605   
菠菜香茄咖哩飯 Curry and Rice with Spinach and Eggplant 603   
牛肉咖哩飯 Curry and Rice with Beef 730  
雞肉咖哩飯 Curry and Rice with Chicken 670   
蔬菜咖哩 Curry and Rice with Vegetables 610   
日式咖哩鮮蔬 Japanese Curry with Vegetables 536   
泰式紅咖哩雞肉飯Thai Red Curry Chicken Rice 590   
海鮮咖哩飯 Curry and Rice with Seafood 753   


品名 熱量(Kcal) 備註
韓式牛肉拌飯 Beef Bibimbap 588   
蔬菜拌飯 Vegetables Bbimbap 523  
時蔬健康套餐 Seasonal Vegetables Combo Meal 559   
南瓜季節鮮蔬飯 Pumpkin and Seasonal Vegetables with Rice 377   
蒜泥白肉特餐 Sliced Pork Belly with Garlic sauce Special Meal 733  
蕃茄燉肉特餐 Beef Stew with Tomato Special Meal 612   
獅子頭特餐 Pork Ball Special Meal 887   
卡拉雞快餐 Crispy Chicken Fast Meal 804   
雞絲飯 Sliced Chicken with Rice 684   
滷肉飯 Braised Pork with Rice 470   
控肉飯 Soy-Stewed Pork with Rice 885   
豬腳飯 Braised Pork Knuckle with Rice 900   
豬排飯 Pork Chop with Rice 829   
牛肉飯 Beef with Rice 848   
滷排骨飯 Braised Pork Ribs with Rice 802   
白燒雞飯 Boiled Tender Chicken with Rice 716  
無骨雞排飯 Boneless Chicken Chop with Rice 848   
醬燒豬肉飯 Braised Pork with Rice 711   
沙茶豬肉飯 Barbecue Pork with Rice 758   
法式香草雞腿飯 French Herb Drumstick with Rice 480   
滷大雞腿飯 Braised Drumstick with Rice 738   
和風燒肉飯 Japanese Grilled Meat with Rice 584  
綠茸培根燉飯 Vegetables and Bacon Risotto 587   
精選野菇乳酪燉飯 Wild Mushroom and Cheese Risotto 372  
薑汁照燒豬肉飯 Terayaki Pork in Ginger Juice with Rice 767   
東坡肉便當 Braised Pork Belly Bento 838   
香烤秋刀魚便當 Grilled Saury Bento 765   
雞肉便當 Chicken Bento 753   
鴨肉便當 Duck Bento 833   
吮指雞腿便當 Finger-Licking Drunstick Bento 744   
翡翠炒飯 Cabbage Fried Rice 745   
虱目魚粥 Milkfish Congee 371   
辣炒年糕 Spicy Rice Cake/ Tteokbokki 418   
昆布湯鍋 Seaweed Pot 620  
味增湯鍋 Miso Pot 645