
品名 熱量(Kcal) 備註
沙朗牛排(Sirloin steak) 980  
特製牛排 (Special steak) 880  
嫩煎無骨牛小排(Saute boneless short rib) 690  
英式田園雞腿排(English rural chicken thigh) 665  
原味雞腿排 (Original chicken thigh) 720  
厚讚香蒜雞排(Huge garlic chicken chop) 752  
脆皮鴨胸佐紅酒圓蔥醬(Crispy duck breast with red onion sauce) 896  
炭烤鯛魚(Charcoal snapper) 530  
清蒸冰島鱈魚(Steamed Iceland cod) 395  
香煎金目鱸魚排佐鯷魚大蒜醬(Pan fried silver perch with garlic catfish sauce) 572  
薑汁照燒豬肉排(Terayaki pork chop with ginger juice) 767  
南瓜季節鮮蔬(Seasonal vegetables with pumpkin) 377  
(Charcoal New Zealand boneless short rib with mushroom sauce 100g)
香煎麥年魴魚排佐檸檬酸豆奶油醬100g(Pan fried dory fish with lemon butter sauce) 160